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Rapper Ice Cube...or should I say, Ice Coon? |
"All I want to do is identify you. Once you've been identified, we can move on to the next step, removing and defeating you."
-Jason Black
*Sigh* Referencing the metaphor I used in my last Purge post, these white folks put their cocks in these negroes' mouths, they (the negroes) swallow the seamen, it germinates, and they spit out white talking points. You know, I don't think Michael Jackson was talking about sell-out black folks when he made the song, They Don't Care About Us, but it's applicable here-- although in retrospect, if I'm guessing correctly, he was right about the ones he were referring to.
Recently, rapper Ice Cube defended NFL player Dak Prescott concerning his stance against protesting NFL players. Well, actually, his massa Jerry Jones had his hand-- and maybe something else-- up his ass. You see, the NFL prohibited Jerry Jones from talking about that bullshit anthem/flag, so he called one of the oldest plays in the book by using a black face to speak through. You see, it would be too easy to rebel against Jerry. He would easily be seen as "racist," and a "slave master,"-- and that's probably correct-- therefore, in an attempt to "get the niggers in line," or silence them, get one of us.
Back to Ice Coon. He has decided to back Dak in his step-and-fetching crusade, also spitting talking points that resembles a white person trying to get us to knuckle down. This confirms what I've long suspected about these black athletes/entertainers: They don't give a fuck about us. It's amazing how this nigger went from "Fuck Da Police," to supporting a house nigger who is doing his massa's work in calling himself speaking against those protesting, who say they're doing it because of the POLICE BRUTALITY being done to blacks! The irony and dichotomy of it all. You can't make this shit up.
You see, niggers like Prescott and Ice Coon don't have this shit being done to them or their families on a daily basis; it's not their wife, parents, or siblings, etc., so it's easy for them to sit back, buck dance, downplay, and brush it off. Just like the self-serving hypocrites whose asses they're kissing, they only give a shit when it affects them. It's funny, my brother and I recently had a conversation about how when we were kids, we did small jobs such as smashing cans and helping recycle them to get the money to buy this nigger's albums, only for people like him to turn around and spit in our faces.
The sad part is, negroes will continue to support these niggers, despite them clearly showing whose side they're on, despite them clearly demonstrating they don't give a damn about us. Speaking of which, this also shows the hypocrisy of some black folks. You had some negroes (mostly black women) ready to boycott a movie featuring Michael B. Jordan because he was in an interracial relationship, yet some of these same negroes will continue to buy Ice Cube's music, if he's still making albums, and watch his movies, and their black asses will be the first ones in seats at a Dallas Cowboys game.
Why would you continue to support people who have shown they don't give a rat's ass about you is beyond me. It's hard to get respect when you continue to support those who clearly don't respect you. More and more I'm beginning to see, you can't ask for respect, you have to take it! You know, the thought came to mind to treat them the way their white masters treat them: "Entertain me nigger, and get out of my face." They don't give a damn about us, why should we give a damn about them?
This brings me to the purge. As unfortunate as it seems, in a way, this is a good thing because it's showing people's true colors, whose team they're playing for, and thus, an opportunity to get the cancers from among us, so this body (the black nation) can function properly and operate as one. You see, it's going to be difficult to take on white society and their policies, when you have sell-out fucks among us who support and back them.
My version of "Never Forget" is unlike the one of mainstream society who tells us to "never forget" 9/11, then tell us "get over slavery" in the same breath-- fucking hypocrites. To never forget the disrespect and disregard of these crooked, white bastards goes without saying. If you don't know your history, you're bound/doomed to repeat it. However, some of these black mo'fos aren't your friends, either. The fact that they have sided with a society that blatantly spits in the face of blacks and invent ways to justify it, in my mind, makes them worse and an even bigger enemy. So to my people who have an ear to hear, "Never Forget" these sell-out motherfuckers. They must be purged from us.#TwoThirdsPolicy
My version of "Never Forget" is unlike the one of mainstream society who tells us to "never forget" 9/11, then tell us "get over slavery" in the same breath-- fucking hypocrites. To never forget the disrespect and disregard of these crooked, white bastards goes without saying. If you don't know your history, you're bound/doomed to repeat it. However, some of these black mo'fos aren't your friends, either. The fact that they have sided with a society that blatantly spits in the face of blacks and invent ways to justify it, in my mind, makes them worse and an even bigger enemy. So to my people who have an ear to hear, "Never Forget" these sell-out motherfuckers. They must be purged from us.#TwoThirdsPolicy
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