Friday, July 7, 2017

The Two-Faced, Dim "Light" of Mrs. N: Final Deletion

Before I get started on the subject matter, I want to give a quick recap of the source that this issue revolves around. In May, I launched my author blog, EA: Creatively Creative. The initial purpose of creating that blog was to have another media outlet to announce anything dealing with my novels such as book releases, book signings (optimistically speaking), analysis on characters in my books, and much more.

It came to me to start conducting interviews with fellow authors and writers. There's a few reasons why I followed through with that decision, but to name some: as I look to flourish myself and my career, and I want to reach out and help other authors, so it serves as a precursor for the concept behind my goal to launch an online publishing company.

It's also another form of networking, another way of getting to know other literary minds. Also, I want to in a sense, to put it in sports terms, "pad my stats." What I mean by that is I know there's a chance that I wouldn't create a lot of posts for that blog, so doing those interviews gives me an opportunity create more posts for that blog.

The way it works is I'll email them the questions, they respond via email or as one author did, in a YouTube video. It's totally up to them. The idea was grand. Out of my currently four Blogger pages, it has by far garnered the most views. It currently stands at 3,003 views in less than two months, and the vast majority of those views are from working with these authors.

Now, that brings me to the subject and purpose of this blog. I wanted to address it here because this is a realm where I'm more candid. A couple of weeks ago, I extend the same offer to N.N. Light, a husband and wife team of authors. Yesterday afternoon, I received the answers from them. Well, actually the wife, Mrs. N., who represented the two of them, answered the questions. 

About an hour and fifteen to thirteen minutes later, I had the blog ready and I emailed the link to their address, as she requested. I don't think it was five minutes after, but she damn near immediately sent me an email, requesting that I remove a certain name that I used in the beginning of the blog. I responded by informing her that it was removed, and I started not to do it, but I didn't think it would be a big deal, and there was no harm intended.

This b*tch sends me an email, basically scolding me, as if I was her child, and we briefly exchanged words. I say briefly because I'm not going to argue and fuss, or engage in a back-and-forth with anyone. In conclusion to my last email, I informed her that my next move was to take a page from the wrestler "Broken" Matt Hardy.

In case she or anyone else was wondering what I meant by that, I'll put it this way: eventually, not only did I remove the name as she requested, I (in Matt's Hardy's voice) "deleted" the entire interview, as well as the social media posts that I made for it. It wasn't live for 10 minutes, and I rendered it "obsolete." I "deleted" any business dealings that we might've had. I filtered the email, so if that heifer responded to my last email or anything else, I won't see it. I'm done. Rest assured, they're not the only book promoters or marketers out there. Next.

In retrospect, most authors don't mind if you use certain names, but everyone's different, and you have to respect them on that end. Some people have legal provisions in place, and are more protective of such things. For whatever reason it was, something in me was hesitant to use that name. I believe I was used to authors being okay with it, as most of them are, but that's no excuse. I'll fall on the sword and say that-- although I didn't have any malicious or deliberate intent-- that was pre-mature and inconsiderate on my part. I had-- and have-- no intention of violating or infringing upon any legality.

I didn't have a problem with her correcting me on that, I had a problem with her talking crazy to me. I'm a grown man, and you're NOT going to talk crazy to me. I don't give a damn if she is a best-selling author. Granted, the list of accomplishments are impressive, but never impressive enough to where I'm going to kiss someone's ass, or allow some dumb f*ck to talk stupid to me.

What kills me that their slogan is "Spread the Light," basically meaning that everyone has a "Light" inside them, and regardless of race, color, religion, etc., everyone deserves love and kindness. All this "Spread the Light" talk, and this mother f*cker gets her panties in a knot due to an honest mistake. Typical.

You know, the funny part is that I remember when N.N. Light promoted my book and interviewed me last year, and when I started doing interviews on my author blog, I thought of them, and wanted to extend the same courtesy. It's funny how things play out, and I also look at this as a reminder-- and a message to others-- that whatever you aspire to do in life, the negatives will come with the positives.

For every great experience, you going to encounter to an asshole or two, or a bad situation somewhere along the way, but you can't let that or them deter you. You must shrug it off and keep going. The estimated time it took me to finish that blog was 45-90 minutes of my life I'll never get back. I'll chalk this one up to experience.

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