Sunday, August 6, 2017

Kaepernick and His Detractors are in the Same Boat

Yes. You've read the title correctly. (Colin) Kaepernick and his detractors are in the same boat. By that I mean they're all full of sh*t, but they're full of sh*t for different reasons. Between last year and this present day, I've blogged and commented on this I don't know how many times.

First, let me start by saying that my stance against the flag started long before Kaepernick. For me, it has absolutely nothing to do with him. With that out of the way, I'll bite the bullet on one instance, and that's this: when Colin first started his stance and stated his reasons why, I was an avid defender and supporter. My thinking was that when someone of our ethnicity-- half-way or otherwise-- has a platform to take a stand and speak out against the social injustices and ills of blacks, we don't support them. As a matter of fact, we're one of the first ones to attack the individual(s). I still feel that way actually, despite my changed views of Colin Kaepernick.

Meanwhile, most blacks who have a similar platform or greater, continue to coon and buffoon, shuck and jive, buck-dance, and kiss the asses of people who don't give a damn about them, and eventually, will show them better than they can tell them. As the 2016-17 NFL season came to a close, Colin decided to end his "stance," and this is what led me to the conclusion that he's full of sh*t.

One of the reasons for ending the stance was stated that he didn't want to take away from the positive changes that he saw from his protest. I've asked this question in previous blogs, and I'll ask it once again on this one: WHAT POSITIVE CHANGES?! We were being gunned down by these mafia hoods with badges and guns while he was taking a knee! He may have these negroes fooled, but he can miss me with that bullsh*t!

In retrospect, it was a race hustling move. He status and stats were dwindling after the season they lost the Super Bowl to the Baltimore Ravens. I believe he used the plight and misfortunes of blacks to propel him back into spotlight and regain media attention. Also, he knew that he drew the ire of these white folks and their nigger pets who idolize and worship that flag, so this was an attempt to get people to sign him once he became a free agent.

On a side note, some would say that the reason Kaepernick still remains unsigned is because of his "mediocre" play, not because of his protest. I've read it on memes and heard it on YouTube videos. Nah. I think it's a combination of both. There are quarterbacks (e.g. Josh McCown and Brian Hoyer) who put up much worse numbers than Kaepernick last season, and they have jobs, so I don't believe that was the sole reason.

Now, on to his detractors, which are many. A few things that I also got out of the protest was that we live in a country where a damn flag and a dog are valuable than human lives, and as I mentioned before, they're proofing more with their actions than their words, that flag is a god to them. Look at how bent out of shape they're getting over someone not standing and pledging to it, which is weird because he's not the first athlete to do so. So why all of the rage against him? Things that make you go...hmmmm.

Another deflection they ("they," meaning mostly whites) continue to use is the "men and women who fought for this country." That also had NOTHING to do with why he did what he did. That part I said then, and I'm still saying today. That is retarded logic. Speaking of which, I watched a video earlier of an excerpt from a wrestling podcast. Apparently, the guy Don Tony, defended the NFL teams who won't sign Kaepernick.

Now, people are entitled to their opinion, that's not what I'm arguing. I'm deconstructing the logic and reasoning-- or the lack thereof-- behind their arguments. Take this dickhead Andy Martino for example. (His tweet was pasted on the video with Don Tony's broadcast. You can click on the hyperlink above to see it).

My question to Martino is, how did he "violate NFL values"? There's nothing (yet) that states NFL players are required to stand for the flag. He goes on to insinuate that what Kaepernick did was worse than the likes of Greg Hardy and others. So, let me get this straight. Colin Kaepernick taking a knee is worse than abusing people, killing people, or at least being an accomplice (Ray Lewis), raping people (Ben Roethlisberger), etc.?

Things like this and more is evident that as much I say or think that blacks are some of the dumbest motherf*ckers on the planet, white people are some dumb motherf*ckers too. They're not as bright as they try to make themselves to be. That is illogical, hypocritical, and makes no sense whatso-f*cking-ever. Martino is far from the only example I have. I go more into it on a previous post and a post I wrote last year, when I (pre-maturely) defended Kaepernick's move, thinking he was honest.

At the end of the day, Colin Kaepernick and his detractors should actually come together and make a truce, because looking at it from a panoramic view, they're full of sh*t, and they're all in the same boat.

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