Thursday, September 28, 2017

Hook, Line, and Sinker

First, I want to say that I'm so sick of writing about this dude (Colin Kaepernick), or anything concerning him and his "stance." President Trump made a remark about Kaepernick last year concerning his protest, and-- to the best of my knowledge-- that was the end of that. Fast forward to September 2017, and now suddenly, Trump is on this crusade against players taking a knee for the national anthem, suggesting that the owners of these respective NFL teams should fire players who doesn't stand for the flag/anthem.  In the meantime, he's engaged with world leaders playing with missile launchers as if it's a present on December 25th.

Last week, most owners seemed to side with the players in not acknowledging the national anthem, but this was nothing but a smoke screen. I posted my thoughts concerning this on Facebook, but I will expand more on it in this blog. This is nothing more than a distraction tactic, to divert the masses from what's really going with the U.S. and their issues with North Korea, among others. What better way than to capitalize on player's so-called revolt against the flag/anthem? I'll elaborate on that adjective "so-called" shortly.

It's funny how most of these players who didn't take a knee last year, suddenly did it last weekend. Some chose not come out of their locker rooms. I guess they took that dickhead Rob Lowe's suggestion, somewhat. So, there's your ingredients: a president who critiques NFL players from out of nowhere, drawing the ire of some, and praise from those who are just as gullible and programmed as a lot of black folks, they just don't know it yet.

Unless you're someone like David "Dukey" Duke, most were furious that Trump became president, so that so-called stance last weekend was really a revolt against him. Nothing more, nothing less. It had NOTHING to do with the plight of dark hued people, but of course, a lot of them are going to fall for it. Just like it has NOTHING to do with the men and women who fought for this country. Not once did they say their stance was because of the military offending or mistreating them. That's a sorry ass excuse and deflection. I'm so sick of hearing people say that shit.

I'm sure most of the players will resume their cotton picking duties next weekend (e.g. the Denver Broncos), standing and pledging. That's what happens when you're in these people's pockets. You play by their rules, and they will only let you go so far, in terms of speaking against social ills that affect you and yours. In a nutshell, they're on a leash.

Then there's your All-American klansmen and their butt hugging negroes crying foul, saying it's "disrespectful," and "disgusting." It's easy to say that when the issues they claim they're doing it for doesn't affect you. I wonder what they would do if the roles were reversed. Pray? Unlikely.

On a side note, let me say this: my issue is not with Kaepernick and others taking a knee, that's their right. Like it or not.You can't say you believe in freedom of speech, then try to silence someone because they say something you don't agree with. That means you don't believe in freedom of speech, or you believe it in when it's at your convenience. It's their intent-- Kaepernick specifically-- I question.

In the end, Kaepernick got what he wanted, getting back in the spotlight, and creating a media firestorm. Trump's usage of it as a diversion tactic has distracted the masses from this tug-of-war he has going on with North Korea. And the people (in general) fell for it...hook, line, and sinker.

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