Thursday, September 28, 2017

Do You Really Want to See a Change? Here's a Suggestion

Don Cornelius, Founder of Soul Train

"I got an idea; give me a minute. And if it makes sense, then get with it."

-Ice T, We're All In The Same Gang (extended version), 1990

I never thought I would be quoting Ice-T, but hey, I'm resourceful. Following up my Hook, Line, and Sinker post, concerning these players taking a knee than stand and honor a piece of cloth. This was done (allegedly) to take a stance against the social ills and injustices of blacks. In terms of their intent, I beg to differ, but I covered that in the previous blog.

Another thing I have with these "protests" is that they're not solving anything, and a lot blacks are so gullible, that anybody who takes a knee, blurt out or hashtag BLM (Black Lives Matter), they give their blind devotion to this individual(s).

 If these black entertainers, athletes, etc., really want to revolt, if they really want to make a change, or see a change, how about this? Instead of taking a knee, sitting, or putting up Black Power salutes, walk off their fields, courts, diamonds, stages, etc. Let them and their great white hopes have it. Let's see how good a Tom Brady or an Aaron Rodgers, or a Matt Damon really is.

Start your own league(s). Create your own "Hollywood." We have the creativity and the resources to make it happen, I think it's this fear that they have of whites, for some reason, and their incessant need to be loved, accepted, and validated them, when the majority of them don't give a f*ck about them.

There's no doubt in mind it can be done. We just have to believe it. Not only black celebrities, but even those with aspirations that doesn't put them in a celebrity status. Open our own stores, banks, etc. Invest in lands, versus $500 tennis shoes. While I would expect a white person to feel a certain way about it, typically with a shaming tactic such as, "Why does it have to be about race?" It amazes me because every other race can build for their own, but it's only a problem when we do it. To hell with them, they will be alright.

With all that being said, what saddens is that some of our people would have a problem with it, and try to get in the way, due to reasons I stated earlier. They can be eliminated, just like any other obstacle or hindrance. There's a whole lot more to us, and what
we're capable of doing is limitless, but we have to stop letting others think for us, start taking initiative, and start thinking (and creating) for ourselves. It can be done, we just have to believe it.

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