Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Pick that cotton!

In the wake of President Trump's deflection/tirade against the players taking a knee, and Barbra Walters-looking Jerry Jones' threat to his slaves, I meant,  players, I decided to take another look at this whole situation, and the more I look into it, the less I'm taking this seriously. I would say it's probably due to my take of this whole debacle being a distraction tactic that the (mostly) programmed masses have fallen for once again, however, there are a few things underneath that has caught my attention.

When Colin Kaepernick started his "protest" last year, one of the narratives that was being pushed from his critics, by "critics," I mean those who object to his protest, was-- and still is-- disrespect to "the men and women who fought for this country." My question to them is: what the hell does the players' stance have to do with the veterans? The reason they claim they're protesting is because of the police brutality and other social ills that "blacks" are enduring, NOT the Army, Navy, Marines, or Air Force brutality. That's a sorry ass excuse and a bullshit deflection.

On a side note, as I was typing this post, I took the time to tweet a similar statement on Twitter, but much shorter. Needless to say, I had detractors, which doesn't move me, that's fine if one disagrees with me. The thing is, agreeing to disagree, or making sense when you attempt to counter an argument. It basically ended up being a short-lived-- because I'm not one to go back and forth, I have better things to do-- circular argument, because I kept asking: again, what does this protest have to do with the veterans?

My question was never answered. They answered my question with questions. One called herself trying to trip me up, which I thought was comical. Her response was if the flag has nothing to do with the veterans, then it has nothing to do with the police, so why are they doing it?

Are you serious? Some people are just smart enough to be stupid. I was referring to the reason why the players are saying they're protesting, which is based on (mostly) police brutality, NOT the veterans, so again, what does this have to do with them? Don't take my words and go in a different direction. Take that illogical logic elsewhere. Next time, pay attention. Honestly, this is rhetoric that they have been programmed to believe. If they stopped and thought for themselves versus what they're conditioned to believe, they would see that narrative makes no sense.

It's not the players' protest I question, it's their motive. First and foremost, if they truly cared, and if they're so concerned about what's going with the people who look like them, those of a dark/brown hue, they would've exhibited better demonstrations years ago. For example, stop being their commodity and walk off their field, court, diamond, or stage, let them have their dark tradition, and work to establish their own from there.

Secondly, in reference to the deflection that I alluded to earlier, this was a revolt against Trump, nothing more, nothing less. The ones with their hands up these "black" players' behinds will only let them go so far. When they see it's getting a little out of hand, they jerk the chain or leash, and the negroes go right back in their corner, standing like good, well-trained boys. This is one of the reasons why a lot of our women don't respect us. No balls. The catch-22 to that is there's a percentage of them who are contributors to this society trying to domesticate us, but I digress.

Case in point, the Denver Broncos. Some of their players decided to take a knee one week, then President/GM John Elway-- who was parroted by head coach Vance Joseph-- later that week, gave a brush-off speech, talking about taking the politics out of football, and announcing that the players will stand for the anthem. It's easy to just brush situations off when it doesn't affect you or your people; if it was someone they knew, rest assured, it would be a different story.  Hey, anyone that knows me knows how much of a Broncos and Elway fan I am, but I'm not giving anyone a pass. Bullshit is bullshit, I don't care who it is, and it needs to be called out.

Of course, like clockwork, the negroes went back to their cotton-picking routine, standing for a flag that represents a nation and society of people that spits and pisses on them everyday and tell them it's raining. No balls. It's a show for most of the players anyway; they don't care. It's not one of their loved ones. Right now, I'm ashamed to say I'm a Broncos fan, as if it wasn't  laughable enough that they ended the winless record of the New York Giants Sunday night, but that's another story.

Following that weak act, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones threatened to bar any of his slaves, I meant, players who kneel for the anthem. After putting on that show the week before, taking a knee with them. Pick a damn side, people!

I'm not concerned with the white players (or their race) in this situation, it's their tradition, and I would expect them to uphold it. My issue is why are they so concerned with those don't want to join them in their reindeer games. I'm sure the negroes on the Cowboys team will bow and do as they're told, like good, obedient niggers. I'll be surprised if some of them honestly take a stand. It's easy to do it for show. No balls.

I have an idea for the Cowboys' players: call Jerry on his bluff, and sit out the game. If I'm not mistaken, the NFL requires a team to have certain players dressed for a game. It's going to be difficult to play if you don't have the required amount. Then again, all they will do is fine them (translation: jerk their chain or leash), and they will bow down again. No balls.

Then you have what some would call an act of "political cowardice," where the ("black") players, instead of kneeling or sitting, they stand, locking arms with the other players. In other words, dancing around the issue, playing both ends against the middle. In case these assholes haven't noticed, YOU'RE STILL STANDING! You're defeating what's supposed to be your purpose! Not only is that no balls, but no brains, either.

This afternoon, the Jacksonville Jaguars released a statement, apologizing for "disrespecting" the veterans. Again, WHERE IS THE DISRESPECT?! If they were doing it for the reason they claim, why are they apologizing for something their cause has NOTHING to do with? *Sigh* No balls.

Overall, in the midst of all of this, what I'm saying is I side with neither one, instead choosing to go with my own point of view. It's nothing more than a deflection and publicity stunt to keep the masses distracted from what's going on (e.g. the issues with North Korea, the wildfire chaos in California), and as always the programmed have fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. As I said in the beginning, while I'm talking the anthem thing less and less seriously, I just wanted to point out certain aspects of the arguments that I find to be hypocritical and straight up bullshit.

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