Monday, November 6, 2017

Bandwagon: The Other Side of Loyalty

Before I start, let me say this: I'm not trying to dictate and tell people what team to like, or how many they can like, this is my personal take along with a correlation that I've made on the situation.

With that being said, yesterday, I saw a post on my Facebook timeline, and someone on Facebook list mentioned how a friend of his-- who now was a Denver Broncos-- has suddenly switched to the New Orleans Saints, due to the Broncos' recent struggles, and because the Saints are winning.

I saw this, and I thought: "this is some ho ass, disloyal, bandwagon shit." I know some people will say that I'm digging too deep, and it's just sports, it's not that serious. For me, it's the principle of it. Now, my issue with this team is the political cowardice and flip-flopping. Last month, according to the narrative the players are claiming, some of the Broncos took a knee in protest, due to mostly the police brutality, which I've given my personal opinion on in another blog.

The following week, the front office posted a statement, supposedly acknowledging the social ills, but brushing it off at the same time. The statement concluded that the team will stand for anthem and flag. John Elway talked about "taking the politics out of football," which was parroted by head coach Vance Joseph. And, of course, that bullshit narrative about the military was brought into it as well. The team hasn't been the same since.

As I've mentioned before, it's easy to just brush these things off, when it doesn't affect you or your people. I doubt it seriously if Elway would make those statements, if it were the other way around. Honestly, yes I think he's full of shit, but I would expect that from someone like Elway, at the end of the day. That house nigger shit Vance Joseph did makes him a bigger problem, to me. As for the white players, this is THEIR tradition, so I would expect them to uphold it. For me, it was another example how weak and mind-f*cked blacks-- the men, in particular-- have become.

They called themselves taking a stand against the social ills of blacks, then as soon as the slavemaster (i.e. John Elway or Jerry Jones) cracks the whip, there they are standing like whores on the corner. I can't support weakness, and it shows these players really don't give a f*ck about us. It's all a dog and pony show. If you can't support me, or others such as myself, why the hell should I support you? So, I will say as of now, I couldn't care less if they win or lose, but I'm digressing-- somewhat.

Back to the loyalty issue, I've been following the Broncos since '92, so I've witnessed bad seasons. I could've jumped ship a long time ago, if it were because of the team's struggles. So because they're losing, he's going to go bounce up and down on the Saints bandwagon like a porn actress? Where was this when the Broncos won Super Bowl 50? Is that when he became a fan?

This is where my correlation comes in. It's one of the many examples of the disloyal, flip-flopping, bandwagon riding of people. I thought to myself how I would hate to see how some people would do in a relationship, nevertheless, a marriage. But, then again, people are doing these types of things in relationships and marriages. I'm not referring to cheating/adultery, or domestic violence. Some things are deemed unforgivable to some people, and I understand that. Nor am I talking about dealing with a lazy bastard.

I'm referring to a person who is busting their behind to get ahead, and it's-- as the saying goes-- "just not their season," however, they're not quitting, and they're still pushing for a better life, despite their trials. There are people who are dating or married to these individuals who will jump ship on them, thinking that the grass is greener, and that's not always the case.

There are those who ride with an individual, as long as things are going well for that person. As long as they're banking (have a lot of money), and things are looking for him or her, they have more "friends" than they know what to do with. When that person hits a down period in their life, suddenly they don't have the friends they used to have. They've moved on to someone else who "have it going on."

Which brings me to a bandwagon original. Those who simply swing off a team's nuts because they're winning. Whoever is winning, that's their team. If the New England Patriots and the Golden State Warriors were giving out applications for bandwagon riders, they would have more employees than Wal-Mart. There are a few others like the Cleveland Cavaliers, San Antonio Spurs, and Alabama Crimson Tide's football team, but the Patriots and Warriors stick out. Especially the Warriors. I have never seen so many Warriors fans in my life.

I wonder sometimes how strong the fan base of these two teams in particular will be when their glory days are over. The NFL is half-way through its season; anything can happen. The Saints might hit a wall. I guess he'll go bed hopping with another team if they do. A friend of mine has a personal conviction against those who like more than one team. While I disagree with his position, I do understand and respect it, because I have the same ax to grind with bandwaggoners. 

Again, I realize people have the right to like who and how many teams they want to. I took a panoramic view of it, and used sports as a premise for my position, and how it carries over into other aspects of life.So, no, bandwagon hopping is not a crime. This is my personal take, gripe, or rant, if you will, against it. Something about it just says "fake," and "disloyal."

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