Saturday, November 25, 2017

Abnormal Psychology: An Open Letter to Jim Cornette

Before I start, I want to reference a  YouTube analyst on two things: one, helping me realize that the true test of whether or not you support freedom of speech is not speech that you agree with, but rather, speech that you disagree with. Two, he has mentioned how if you want to analyze "blacks," you have to start from the premise of abnormal psychology. Yes, I know how gullible, credulous, mind-boggling, and backwards people of melanin hue can be, so I don't dispute that analysis, but rather choose to expand on it by saying that you can analyze white folks from the same premise.

With that being said, I was on YouTube Friday, and I was watching an excerpt from a wrestling podcast. If I'm not mistaken, it's called Jim Cornette's Talking Sense. Jim Cornette, is known just as much for his social and political tirades and rants, as he is for his wrestling expertise.

I'll tune in to some of it, depending on what the topic is. I'll admit, it has its entertaining value, particularly when he's going in on, or trading barbs with Vince Russo. Now, I'm not sure when this particular podcast or interview was done; sometimes, they will record them weeks, months, or years ago, but an excerpt from the show will be posted on a current week, but that's besides the point.

I listened to the audio of him going in on former NFL star Michael Vick, who has gained notoriety for, to paraphrase Cornette, "torturing and killing dogs." He went on to call Vick everything under the sun. He mind as well have called him a nigger-- which wouldn't surprise me if has behind closed doors-- at the rate he was going.

Now, I won't try to do a Color of Change, and create a petition to have his podcast shut down because he said something I disagree with. Like it or not, love it or hate it, agree or disagree, that's his right to express his opinions and views. Likewise, I have the right to express my opinions and views, as well as deconstruct and/or critique the views of others, if I see fit.

I'm not saying that I agree with or condone Vick's actions, however, I see fallacies and hypocrisy in Jim's argument. It's not just Cornette, there are millions of others who uphold the same hypocritical position. Okay, let's go with his logic: Michael Vick is a piece of shit, a stupid/dumb fuck, who should rot in prison for the rest of his life for the inhumane crime he committed. The players should've protested and taken a knee concerning Vick's actions.

So, if Vick is a piece of shit who ought to rot in prison for the rest of his life, what is Carolyn Bryant, the bitch who accused Emmett Till of flirting with her, and was massacred by chicken shit males, then admitted years later that she lied about it? That was 1955? Okay, let's try something more recent.

What about Darren Wilson, who claimed he was defending himself against Michael Brown, then later admitted that he lied about that? What about Daniel Pantaleo, who on camera, killed Eric Garner with Samoa Joe's finishing move? On side a note, we don't even have that kind of proof of Vick's accusations, whereas we do with Pantaleo, and the two I'm about to mention next.

What about Betty Shelby, the bitch who shot and killed an unarmed man in Tulsa, and walked? What about Timothy Loehmann, who shot and killed a twelve-year-old, who had a fucking toy gun? Michael Vick served time for the crime he was accused of, these motherfuckers WALKED! If they didn't walk, they got a slap on the wrist at the least. These are only a few examples.

Not to mention, a certain organization that apparently kills people for a living, go home, eat their linguine and veal, and drink wine as if nothing happened? This reminds of Rich Eisen, who bitched and moaned about OJ Simpson last year on his show, yet won't say anything about these individuals. This and more reminds me of how we live among people who care more about dogs and a damn flag than human lives.

So, let me get this straight: to torture and kill dogs is reprehensible, but it's okay to torture and kill people-- and get away with it. Basically, what I'm saying is if you're going to be morally conscious, call it down the middle. Don't castigate Michael Vick, but say nothing about these motherfuckers. I know people are going to defend him because of his name-- and because they won't think critically-- like they probably did when I commented on the video, which they're wasting their time, because I'm not going read that bullshit, or engage in a back and forth.

Most people can't stand it when you call them or someone they revere out on their hypocrisy and bullshit. They can't counter what you say, so they resort to either or all of these three things: personal attacks, deflections, or try to swerve the argument in another direction, which usually comes after the deflection. This is all Abnormal Psychology 101. Jim Cornette and those with similar thinking are full of shit...or I should say, dog shit?