Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Hit Dog Will Always Holler

You know, I'm not one who jumps on everything I see or hear about. It would have to be something that really moves on me for me to address it via blog, or any other forms of social media. A quick side note: when I say "address" in this particular case, I'm referring to calling something out publicly.

Recently, as I've mentioned in my last post, I watched an excerpt of one of Jim Cornette's rants, and on this particular one, he went in on Michael Vick-- who was convicted of dog fighting, torturing and killing dogs many years ago-- calling him everything in the book. I did mention that I wouldn't be surprised if he called him a nigger behind closed doors, but I was being sarcastic, for the most part. Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't use that title for this post, it might offend Cornette. Once again, I'm being sarcastic. Honestly, I couldn't care less.

Actually, the case of Michael Vick slipped my mind; perhaps because people weren't really talking about it anymore, but listening to that excerpt rekindled my contention of individuals who have this narrative that he's inhumane,  and a piece of shit who should rot in prison for the rest of his life, yet, they either justify or turn a blind eye to individuals like Daniel Pantaleo or Betty Shelby, and I think that's fucking hypocritical.

Basically, my thing is if Vick is a piece of shit who should rot in prison for the rest of his life, what are people like Yeronimo Yanez, the ones who killed Sandra Bland, and where should they be? Don't condemn him, then either justify or say nothing about other offenders. Using myself as an example, I'm not going to castigate the aforementioned individuals, and not address a 22-year-old pedophile-- an alleged pastor-- who knocked up and impregnated a 14-year-old girl!

On a side note, that nasty bastard should rot in prison for the rest of his life, and he needs to be castrated! Back to the matter at hand, basically, my question to Cornette and people like him was, what are you saying? It's wrong to kill dogs, but it's okay to kill people? I believe some referred to my analysis of living among people who care more about a dog and a flag than human lives as racist (a deflection), but hey, I'm only going by what most of them demonstrate most of time.

I made the decision to write a blog and address him on this, sending it directly to his Twitter handle, and I did what I said I would do. I didn't do it for attention; definitely not to seek another man's attention, or to generate hits on my blog. This was from the mind and heart. Before I go further, I will say this: if there's evidence from previous videos, podcasts, etc., with him addressing these types of situations as well-- that I obviously would be unaware of-- I would fall on the sword, be a man about it, and apologize. Not for the position I hold on that hypocritical, backwards shit, but for taking the argument to him, but chances are, that's not the case.

Knowing of Cornette's effeminate, child-like, emotional responses, he wouldn't accept it anyway, but would just "cut a promo," calling me every name he could think of. I mean, I wouldn't give a rat's ass, but that would probably be the situation. Speaking of name-calling, and effeminate, emotional, responses, apparently, I struck a nerve with ol' James E., because he responded by calling me a "complete fucking idiot." Wow, Jim. I'm shattered. My world will never be the same.

There was probably was more, but I (unfortunately) caught a glimpse of that reply, and as I stated in my previous post-- if he chose to respond-- that the legion of nut-swingers in Camp Cornette would join in and/or like the weak shit he replied with. As I alluded to in my last post, you can send me all the responses you want to, I'm not going to read or acknowledge that bullshit, nor will I engage in a back and forth, so you're wasting your time.

I also said that when people can't counter your argument, they will resort to personal attacks, shaming language, and deflections, trying to twist things to make it look as if you don't know what you're talking about. He and his nut-swingers sat there and proved me right. They demonstrated the very things that I said they would do. This goes to show you how dumb they are. This old, effeminate bastard is the one with the retarded, two-faced position, but I'm the complete fucking idiot?

Personally, I think he just didn't like what he saw when I held the mirror to his face. His insult would've hurt me if it came from someone I actually gave a damn about. While they were replying and liking replies, I was busy monitoring my fantasy teams, and working on my third book.

They say a hit dog will always holler. Well, that motherfucker yelped!

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