Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Making It Plain: The Purpose of Social Eyes View

Lately, I've been slacking on both this blog and my author blog in terms of posting, mostly due to working to build and establish my career. Not to excuse it, but that's the major reason why I'm usually away from this particular blog for so long. Another reason is this is my social commentary blog, meaning that I comment or analyze events (past or present) going on in society, and I'm not one to always publicly comment or critique everything-- I pick my spots. It has to be something that really moves me for me to publicly comment on it.

I started this blog because I've always had something to say as far as from what I've seen in this society, I just never had, or initially wasn't aware of certain platforms that were available for people such as myself to express those views. Let's face it, white people control the media, so whatever they say is going to be the dominant narrative. The little resources that we have available, we don't take advantage of and make the most of it. What I mean by that is we either don't bother to use it at all, or we don't use it constructively, choosing instead to make twerk videos, fight videos, or pander to people who oppress us.

My purpose of this blog is to use this resource-- small, though it may be-- to express my views; call things the way I see it. These are my thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. I don't say things to get attention, for shock value, or to quote, unquote "piss people off"-- if that happens, oh well, they will be alright-- or to try to get people to side with me. However, because there are so many attention-mongers out there, I can understand why individuals like myself can get placed in the same box. Not saying it's fair, but sometimes that's the price you pay. So, that's fine if one disagrees with me, how they disagree is usually another story.

Also, and it's sad that one has to constantly use disclaimers, but let me make this clear: when I speak on certain demographics, I'm not referring to all them. In other words, I'm not talking about all black people, or all white people, etc. I don't know everyone person from every gender or race, so there's no way I could be referring to all of them. You would think common logic would tell people this, but that's usually not the case.

In most situations, people can't deconstruct or at least logically argue your position, so they resort to things such as: personal attacks, shaming tactics, semantics, or they will take bits and pieces of what you said, and try to serve the argument in a different direction. Which reminds of something that took place two months ago. For those of you who are wrestling fanatics, you're familiar with Jim Cornette. A while back, he commented on the Michael Vick situation, when Vick was accused of making dogs fight, and killing them.

He went on a rampage; calling Vick a piece of shit, and how he needs to rot in prison for the rest of life, and so on. I decided to write a post calling Cornette to task on this. To paraphrase, in the post, I mentioned that although I personally don't endorse people abusing animals, my problem with Cornette and people with similar thinking is that they're up-in-arms and ready to condemn Vick about abusing or killing animals, but there's silence or justification for those kill people.

Mind you, Vick served time for his accusation, these individuals were caught on camera killing unarmed people, and they WALKED! So, if Vick is a piece of shit, and should rot in prison, what are these individuals, and where should they be? Before I go further, the individuals I'm referring to in this case are the police officers who were gunning down black men and women, seemingly for the fun of it. I recently heard on another social commentator's video that in those situations there was something that took place prior to the cop resorting to the tactic he or she used.

My argument with that position is if that was the case, what did individuals like Philando Castille do? I didn't hear anything about him being non-compliant, threatening, or trying to attack the cop, so what prior event led him to just pulling out his gun, shooting and killing him? There was another incident where a guy was compliant, did everything the cop told him to do, and, although he didn't kill him, the bastard shot the man anyway. When the guy asked what he shot him for, all he could say was, "I don't know." So, I have to agree to vehemently disagree with that assessment.

Anyway, I sent to my post directly to Cornette's Twitter feed. I didn't post it on any of my other platforms because this was a de hombre a hombre (man-to-man) situation, and I wasn't looking for any fan fare. The next morning, I saw in notification inbox that he responded. I didn't read it; I only caught a glimpse of it as I was moving my mouse click back on the "Home" section of the page.

The glimpse I caught was him calling me a "complete fucking idiot." A few things here: I don't put my self-esteem in the hands of people, so that has NO effect on me. In comparison, that would've affected me if were someone I actually gave a damn about, and last, but definitely not least, he's the one with the illogical, two-faced position, but I'm the idiot? Rest assured, had I wrote a blog kissing his ass, and agreeing with him, it would've been different, but that's a hypocrite for you. He needs take a look in the mirror; the only "complete fucking idiot" I see is him. When I was an avid wrestling fan, I never liked him, and now I see he's a mouthy, emotional, effeminate, bitch just the character he used to play. No wonder he played it so well.

Of course, there were those-- his colleagues and fans, I'm sure-- who liked his response, because their freaking stupid, and don't have a mind of their own, but I didn't pay any attention to that bullshit. As I've mentioned before, while they were busy entertaining my post, I was working on my third book, and monitoring my fantasy teams. They did everything I said they would do in my post addressing Cornette, which shows you just how dumb they are. I addressed the one I wanted to address; I said what I had to say to him, and I moved on, which leads me to my no-response policy.

I tend to think differently than most, I prefer to think for myself versus riding the wave, and going along with the popular opinion, so when I comment on certain issues, I usually get stupid replies in return, because people resort to an emotional response, rather than a logical one. You're an "idiot," or "stupid," or "ignorant," whatever the label may be, but they can't tell you what led them to that conclusion. It's just the simple fact that they didn't like what you said.

I have better things to do than to fuss, argue, or engage in a childish war-of-words with folks on social media all day. Rarely do I respond to one's reply. So, that's the purpose of my blog in a nutshell. I reiterate, don't say things for attention or shock value, and as touchy and dramatic as people are nowadays, trust me, if I really wanted attention, it's not that hard. It's not hard at all. At the end of the day, I'm simply speaking my mind. In conclusion, although I write on this blog sporadically, I intend to continue to provide my take on social events. My next post will be an open letter to black people.

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