Tuesday, March 27, 2018

If You Expected a Different Outcome...

...apparently, you haven't been paying attention for the last 4-5 years. As a matter of fact, you haven't been paying attention to history at all. This morning, the two police officers Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake, Jr. were (as always) not charged in the death of Alton Sterling. From Darren Wilson, Betty Shelby, Daniel Pantaleo, and many others before and after them-- because I'm pretty sure the piece of shit who shot and killed Stephon Clark will get off too-- the story of these people just taking "black" lives, and walking as if nothing happened continues. I'm not just referring to these thugs in uniforms, but the myriad of hate crimes and violence we have endured at the hands of these people for, in my opinion, FAR too long!

On a side note, while it's on my mind, a while back, I watched a video where David Carroll spoke of white people who actually claim that they deal with police brutality more than "blacks," and of course, as always they "have the statistics to prove it." Are you fucking kidding me?! Spare me your doctored up numbers. You can take a pen and paper and make it say anything, or type up anything on the internet, that doesn't make it so. For instance, I could go on a social media platform and put in my profile that I'm a multi-millionaire. I mean, the information would be there for everyone to see, right in front of their eyes, but that doesn't mean that it's true.

However, because they control the media, and they know most people are easily programmed, misled and are too mentally lazy to check behind them when put out their lies and propaganda, they just accept whatever these people tell them. "Statistics." So I'm supposed to believe that your analysis is true because of some chart you drew up on the internet? GTFOH with that BS! Now, are we the only ones who deal with racism, police brutality, etc.? No, but for anyone, especially whoever these white folks were who made that claim to suggest otherwise are some lying bastards.There is no way in hell them or anyone else is going to convince me that they deal with this type of bullshit more than we do.

Of course, when I commented on that ridiculous notion, I received some replies. Mostly stupid, illogical replies I'm sure, but I don't even read that junk, much less respond to it, so they wasted their time sending me that. That was whatever time duration it took for them to type that mess they will never get back.

But, you (referring to melanin folks), love these people while the majority of them-- because I don't believe it's all of them-- show you better than they can tell you time and time again, that they hate your black asses, and don't want anything to do with you, which is fine by me personally. I don't want to be bothered with someone or some people who don't want to be bothered with me.

 They don't have to use racial slurs; remember, actions speak louder than words. Look at how they mistreat and disrespect you on a daily basis, and you keep running back to them for more. It's like witnessing a woman in an abusive relationship, but for whatever reason, the dumb fuck won't leave. It's interesting how one shoots, kills, and injures young kids-- mostly white kids-- at a school, and there's an outrage for gun control; our people are dying at the hands of these bastards everyday, and no one gives a shit. While I don't rejoice in those kids losing their lives, at the same time, I find it extremely difficult to sympathize. That could very well be a subject for another blog, depending on my mood, we'll see.

For those who want to use the deflection, "what about black-on-black crime"? Obviously that's something that needs to be dealt with, these goons are no better than the others who are doing it. Losing our lives at the hands of our own people is not any better, but I assure you that the violent deaths of "blacks" are tripled from the hate crimes versus black-on-black.

As stated in this subject's title, if you expected those cops to be charged for their involvement in Alton Sterling's death, it shows that you're either very naive, actually have faith in their corrupt system, lack pattern recognition, or all three. Personally, I'll put my money all three. Until we wake up and take drastic action, this lop-sided mess will continue.

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