Sunday, April 1, 2018

What Some Don't Seem to Understand About Social Media

Last week, I saw a post that someone shared and commented on. Paraphrasing, it was some woman claiming black women have shown nothing but unconditional love to black men over the years and so on, which I think is bullshit, but that's besides the point here. Speaking of my thoughts, there was a man who gave his opinion in the comment section, vehemently disagreeing with the woman's analysis as well, basically saying that they tend to pick the wrong men.

The young lady who shared this post proceeded to bulldog the guy, telling him if he disagrees with the post, scroll past it, and reminding him not to leave comments on her post, which leads me to the title of this subject. Now, it was her post, and she did have a point in terms of one viewing to just scroll past it if they disagree with or don't like what they've read. Technically, what she said was true, however, there's this: when you post something on social media, which is on the World Wide Web, you are making it people's business, therefore inviting feedback from possibly various parts of the globe, if you made the post public.

More specifically, if that individual(s) are on your Facebook friends list, or following you on Twitter, they're going to run into something you've posted at some point, and they have a right to comment on it if they see fit. Personally, I do either of these three things to posts I see on my timeline: one, comment, two, bypass (or scroll past) it, or three, remove from my timeline. I'm more prone to do two or three; I have better things to do than sit there and comment on everything I see on social media all day, as a matter of fact, I have better things to do than to be on social media all day.

This is a reality one has to accept, particularly if you're going to be active on social media. I've posted things on social media that sparked comments that are usually personal attacks or attempts to swerve the discussion in another direction due to the fact that they couldn't (logically) counter my position, but the fact is they have a right to comment on it, whether I like or dislike it, agree or disagree it.

Personally, I'm not a fan of going back and forth with people, especially on social media, so most of the time if or when I get a reply-- especially if I know I posted something may not sit well with some or most, but I'm speaking my mind-- I don't even read it, much less respond to it. Rarely do I respond to replies or comments.

If you don't like the comments someone made on your post, delete it. It's just that simple. Either that, or don't post anything on the internet. To be a bulldog or attempt to bully people from commenting on your page is futile, actually.

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