Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Kneel Before Your "Massa"...or Should I Say Stand?

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Photo by Bob Levey, Getty Images.

I called it. I knew it would eventually happen.This is what happens when you make a league with them. It amazes me how people claim to support freedom of speech, and quick to utter, "It's a free country," until something is said or demonstrated that they don't agree with. That means you're NOT in support of freedom of speech, hypocrites. Before I go further, let me say that I'm on neither side of this kerfuffle, but rather choosing to think for myself. I don't have a problem with the players taking a knee as a stance; personally, I stopped acknowledging the anthem/flag long before Kaepernick came along.

The problem I have with the players is their motive. I don't believe they're honest. I think this is all for show-- with most of them, at least. I'm speaking on general principle and based off the narrative the players are claiming. Also, any demographics that is mentioned in this post is not in reference to all, but most, so if don't apply, let it fly.

As my one of my nephews used to say, "Who out there in TV land didn't see this coming?" In 2016, when Colin Kaepernick took a knee, saying he was doing it as a stance against police brutality, it created a media firestorm. You had these different celebrities and politicians with their panties in knot.

Fast-forward to 2017. President Trump made some "SOB" remarks about who those didn't stand for the flag, including physical harm. Let me say something about that right quick. If I was a "black" player on the Philadelphia Eagles squad, the only thing that would keep me from calling his bluff, buying those wolf tickets he was selling is the fact that secret service would be all over me like white on rice. Then the bullshit narrative about the players disrespecting the military that started in 2016, gained momentum in 2017.

Let me see: according to the players, they took a knee as a stance due to the police brutality of "blacks." They didn't say a hot damn thing about the f*cking military, so how in the hell did people come up with that?  I'll tell you how. Propaganda pushed by (mostly) politicians and celebrities that  now have these dickheads running around with this fake patriotism. The military had nothing to do with the players' motive; that was bullshit excuse and a deflection. It shows me that whites are actually just as programmed as "blacks."

I've stated-- or at least insinuated-- in previous blogs and posts last year that the NFL would eventually institute a rule that would force these players to stand and "respect the flag." Lo and behold, today, on May 23, 2018, a policy has been enforced by the NFL that if the players choose to be on the sideline, they must stand or face penalties.

People get mad when one mentions race, or as they say, "play the race card," but come on, we all know what people this was intended for primarily. Sure, you had some non-black players who did it,
and the rule (supposedly) will apply to them too, but it was mostly "black" players who took a knee.  Besides, I would expect the white players to stand; it's their tradition. The flag and anthem doesn't have shit to do with us-- well, not in a positive light.

Now that "massa" has cracked the whip, I'm sure these guys will standing like whores on the corner with their hand on their chest come Sundays. The policy states if the player chooses to be on the sideline; just stay in the locker room until they're done with that nonsense, but negroes love white folks too much to do that. They don't want to come off as "disrespectful," meanwhile the majority of them continue to disrespect us with no remorse. Trust me, they don't give a rat's ass if you love them or not, or forgive them or not.

But you know what? Even though most of these leagues are predominately "black," They're owned and administrated by whites. If you're going to play their game(s), you have to abide by their rules. This is what happens when make a league with these people, when you're in their pockets. I'll probably say this until I'm blue in the face. If these guys had any balls, they would walk off their fields, courts, diamonds, etc., put together their resources, build their own, and let them have their shit.

The only problem with that is they seem to be afraid of whites and dependent upon them, not to mention, we tend to be our own worst enemy, doing chicane, throat-cutting stuff to one another. *Sigh* So, let me say this: before putting together the resources, get your minds right first. They want you to respect something that represents a system that (continues to) disrespect you. I love this place! (Sarcasm, for those who didn't catch it).

Again, I called this last year. I knew they would eventually institute something that would require the players-- and we all know which players specifically-- to stand. I'm glad I don't play in the NFL, or in any of their leagues, for that matter. To those with the fake patriotism (I'm looking at you, Mr. President and Vice President) relax, you smile now. FOH!

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