Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Soundwave Negroes

Soundwave (left) taking orders from Decepticons leader Megatron.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the hit classic cartoon from the 80s-- perhaps the greatest cartoon of all time-- Transformers, there was the villainous group called the Decepticons led by Megatron. In the faction was a Decepticon named Soundwave. He was the loyal lieutenant of Megatron's. When Megatron needed intel on their enemies, the Autobots, he would send Soundwave on a reconnaissance. Soundwave's alternate verison (or his transformation mode) was a cassette recorder, which made him a perfect choice for such a mission.

He would either make his way unto the Autobots' headquarters or use one of his trusty minions (mostly Laserbeak or Ravage) to secretly gather information about the Autobots plans of attack. After ascertaining that information-- if not caught by the Autobots-- Soundwave would return to the Decepticons' headquarters, relaying the intel back to Megatron.

I say all of that to say in my 30+ years on this planet, I've noticed the same behavior in reality when dealing with people, whether it be immediate family, someone on the job, or otherwise. The only difference is there are two different types of Soundwaves. The first one is similar to the cartoon character. They will lounge under the person-- let's say a manager, for example-- and the manager will send that individual on covert missions to spy out certain employees, perhaps pose as someone that people can confide in. If he or she says anything that sounds suspect to the Soundwave person, they will go straight to the manager and sing like a canary.

Mind you, the comment might not have been what they thought it was, but they don't take the time to at least investigate and find out what the person meant, and they don't care. Their biggest concern is scoring points with the boss. The second type has the same attributes as the first, the only difference is they will do it on their own initiative.

If they hear something that sounds suspect to them, they won't at least find out what you meant-- perhaps the comment was intended to be a joke-- they see it as an opportunity to not only score brownie points, but to cast you in a bad light to make themselves look or feel better, particularly in the sight of their boss. Now, you're in a position where you look like a heel or a petty b*tch because they presented what was said in a way as if to "tell on you," as if you said something wrong or out of line.

Make no mistake, the Soundwave negro can come in all shapes, races, genders, and sizes, I'm sure there are others who can attest to this, if they're honest. I gave this post the title that you see because I've encountered this type of bullshit mostly from "blacks," especially "black" men. More and more, I'm beginning to see these guys with feminine traits. As a matter of fact, these negroes do things I don't even see some females do.

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