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The Flash (DC Comics). |
I was on YouTube, and there's a channel that has nearly 1,000 videos, and I'll say at least 95 percent of those videos are dedicated to exposing one man. I understand; people like this guy have been ripping off our people for years, but a lot of so-called black folks tend to give him a pass because he has rocked them to sleep with his strong speech and "swag." I could go on about how goofy that is, but that's for another blog.
I understand this woman's determination to make people like him no more, so to speak, but on the surface, posting that many videos concerning one man can make one look like a psychotic stalker. I say that to say a lot of posts on this blog lately have been on my experiences at that shit hole called The Way of Yah Synagogue-- if the name hasn't changed again.
My purpose(s) for doing this is to get things off my chest that went down during my time there, stuff that I've held in for years, because I was caught up in that "greater good," "bigger picture" bullshit and to tell my side of the story. I don't plan on doing many more blogs on that shit hole called a synagogue, and I'm definitely not going to post that many blogs, but I said going into this that this was going to be a slow cook, so I will bide my time and take my time with this.
I contacted another former member a few months ago (the person will remain nameless) and they told me that they miss some people, but they don't miss the way (i.e. the religious lifestyle that was taught). I can't say that I miss anyone, if I do, I can count on one hand how many, and when I think back on it, I don't miss those goofy ass rules either. You can't do this, you can't go to this place because it was named after and "referenced" to some god (e.g. Apollo Theater) you can't cut your hair or beard a certain way, etc. Although there are certain things I still hold to such as not celebrating holidays-- to me, it's pointless-- but overall, I'm glad to be free of that bullshit.
Another thing, I have said in previous posts or videos that I don't hate their "pastor" Tony Smith, but I have to come clean about it. I was lying to myself. I can't stand that motherfucker. I put my trust in him, and I came to him showing nothing but respect. That trust was betrayed and the respect wasn't reciprocated. The respect I had for him is down the drain.
Now, on with the subject. Around 2014, there was a young man named Elijah-- I never knew his last name-- who was very interested in joining the then-Way of God Church. Long story short, this is a young man who, if I'm not mistaken, had an opportunity to go to college on a swimming scholarship, but was willing to walk away from all of that despite protests from his family to join the congregation.
About two years later, according to their "pastor" Tony Smith, "The Most High" revealed unto to him (allegedly) that this young man was not getting in (i.e. joining the now-synagogue). I'm sure this young man was devastated by this "revelation," but Elijah, in case you ever read this, let me tell you something: you didn't miss anything. You didn't miss shit.
They will treat like one of their own at first (seemingly) better than your immediate family, but give it a few months or years, you would've seen the masks fall off and discovered that the man who is supposed to be your "spiritual leader" and "watchman for your soul" is nothing more than an arrogant, self-righteous, sadistic prick, and most of his members are a bunch of cut-throat, treacherous motherfuckers.
In the end, what you would've ran into would've been a complete waste of time, years and money. Trust me, I know. I hope you didn't throw an opportunity at a great career away trying to follow that piece of shit and that fairy tale ass religion he put together. The more I think about it, the more I'm glad I'm no longer there. From my experience, you didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged a missile.
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