Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Black Female Employee Stink Face

Before I get started, let me say that this is not a reference to all black female employees, so spare me with that "don't generalize" bullshit. However, from my personal experience, particularly at Wal-Mart-- not that it doesn't happen anywhere else, but it's mainly Wal-Mart-- nearly every time I go in there, I run into one of these broads, usually a cashier, for whatever reason, giving me a stink look.

Regardless of what I'm doing, one of these heifers will just give me a shitty look, as if I'm walking around with an onion in my pants or something. I don't know what their problem is, it can't be hygiene because I'm big on taking of my personal hygiene. Anyway, when I see that look, I'm thinking: "You have no idea how badly I want to punch you in your freaking face." This type is also in the category (along with these hard-on patriotic flag folks and a few others) that if I had The Force...well, I'll just leave it at that. Anyone who is familiar with Star Wars knows what I'm talking about.

That brings me to the subject of this blog.The other day, I was at the Wal-Mart on Government Street and I was returning a pillowtop airbed that I accidentally damaged, trying to see if I could switch it for another one. Before I go further, to be fair, I realize that employees who work in customer service have to deal with a lot of crap-- trust me, I've worked with them before. They usually have to deal with nasty attitudes and people who are trying to get over, but that's not the case with everybody.

When I was explaining to this woman that I had a hole in the airbed, granted, she didn't get the loud mouth and typical sassy head/neck rotating and start cursing, but she still gave me that stink face and that crappy body language. I'm sure a lot of people have seen it; they shift their weight to one side and give you the most shitty look ever. Obviously, she didn't believe me and thought I was trying to get over.

Recognizing this, I thought perhaps what I said didn't come out right, so let me put it another way. Once I did that, including informing her that I was accidentally the cause of it, the bitch still had that stink look, staring at the receipt. Finally I guess maybe the other woman who was nearby was a supervisor or something, asked me if I wanted to switch it out for another one, which is exactly I wanted.

*Sigh* Long story short, and looking on the bright side of it, I was able to switch it out from there with no problems. On a side note, before leaving, because for a long time at Wal-Mart if you have an item that's not bagged, they usually have a door greeter to check your receipt. So, taking precaution, I asked this white security guard nearby if there was a door greeter around. This dickhead nonchalantly told me if I needed help I had to go customer service. SMH. I just went on about my business. I mean, that's where I went to when I first came in there, so obviously I knew where go in regards to that.

I forgot that Wal-Mart got rid of the door greeter position, it's been a long time since I've worked or shopped in there, and the attitudes of individuals like them is one of the reasons I do my darnedest to not go in there, and why I'm glad I no longer work there.

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