Thursday, March 21, 2019

"Everything Happens For a Reason": My Take

The other day I listened to a short video with someone giving his take on the expression "everything happens for a reason." To paraphrase, he went on to state while he acknowledges that it's a statement that makes us all comfortable, it's nonsense and it robs you of personal power. I respect someone who is willing to go against the grain of society and have a difference of opinion or not quite see things the way others do-- which is usually in a blindly devoted way.

In other words, they don't simply repeat indoctrinated rhetoric or regurgitate something they have heard thousands of others say over the years, and it sounds good, so they say it, but rather, they choose to think for themselves. And not oppose something just to oppose it, but they can logically state why they view it the way they do.

The video was only about a minute long, but it intrigued me so much that I decided to weigh in on it. I wanted to let what I heard marinate before I commented, and I'll admit, I do think everything happens for a reason, and the reason why I think that is because as much as most people hate it, most things are beyond our control. Another reason would be that things simply don't just occur, there's a reason (or reasons) why that happened.

As far as it taking away from the trajectory of your personal power, well, it depends on how the person looks at it because some have an evolution or the human-beings-are-their-own-god way of thinking, and their theory could be based on that.

Quick side note: I am beginning to think that the saying "expect the unexpected" is nonsense, or at least easier said than done. While making preparations is great and resourceful, I'm definitely not against it, it's nearly impossible to be prepared for all the unpredictability life can throw at you. Anyway, while I understood where he was coming from, and I'll also admit that some people can say that punch drunk optimism, for the most part, I disagree.

Who knows? We live and learn-- or at least we should-- so my thought on this matter may change later on, but for now, I respectfully disagree.

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