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Photo Credit: Roi Dimor on Unsplash. |
I had no intention of writing a part three to this series, but here we go. I briefly touched on this subject in a post in July called, Would You Date or Marry a Church Woman? By "church" I mean a religious woman. On a side note, I should've used an image of former wrestling star Koko B. Ware and his parrot, Frank. That would've been a more accurate description.
This is not to say women from other ethnicities don't do this, but this is prevalent in "black" society. Any brother, whether he is or has been in a religious organization or not, has experienced this when dealing with religious women. When it comes to these preachers, these sisters tend to have a blind, undying devotion to them. Truth is, they tend to enable each other. He co-signs her foolishness and vice versa.
Anything that self-righteous prick says, she repeats it, almost on cue. Fellas, think about the last time you had a discussion, argument or debate with a woman you are/were dating or married to. At some point in the conversation, her response is typically going to start with something like this: "Preacher said this," "Pastor said that." It won't always start with that phrase literally, but if you're attending or attended the same congregation as she is, and you've paid attention to the pastor's rhetoric, you will realize all she did was merely repeat what he said. I had an experience like that, which I will touch on a little bit.
They're like verbal plagiarists. Regardless of what that man says, he could dead wrong, but he says with enough conviction, she will go along with-- and repeat it, sounding like naive, misguided children. It's as if she's his personal parrot or something. By the way, you don't have to date or be married to them to witness this, which brings me to the situation I referred to in the above paragraph.
The last religious organization I came from, I had a conversation with one of the women there. I asked her what she looks for in a man. Aside from the cliches they tend to quote to look like a "good person," she went on to tell me what she (claims) to look for in a man. I'm not sure if she thought I wasn't paying attention to anything that doofus said, but her response to me was the very thing I heard him to tell the women in there what they should for or expect from a man. I mean darn near word for word.
This happened about two years ago with this Grimace looking broad in the same congregation. Different conversation, same result. Being like-minded with someone is one thing, but merely repeating someone's talking points is something totally different, and religious women (BW mainly) do this so much I wonder, "Bitch, do you have a mind of your own?" "Do you ever think for yourself?"
Going back to mesmerizing of the masses by preachers I mentioned in Part Two, there's a saying that goes: "If someone can get in your mind, they can get in your ass." I'll make a slight adjustment and say if one's not careful, they can get in your ass, although I get the meaning behind the statement. Ironically, I heard that doofus preacher mentioned once when courting women, you have to get in their mind first.
I reverted to that statement to say this: not many are a bigger epitome of that saying than these preachers. They've been in the minds and eventually the asses of women for a long time-- and counting. If you decide to date or marry one of them, perhaps you should invest in a cage and some crackers.
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